Feeling Grateful for… the Virginia Inn!

During the first day of a busy St. Patrick’s Day weekend, Seattle’s iconic Virginia Inn generously donated 50% of proceeds to our PTSA. We’re thrilled to be able to share that, as a result of this incredible kindness, we received a donation of $4,623!

Craig Perez – co-owner of the historic restaurant and bar, and a Hazel Wolf 4th grader parent – was the man behind the idea for this wonderful event, and we can’t thank him and the Virginia Inn team enough for their support of our school community.

Thanks also to the families who came out on March 16th and enjoyed food and drinks from the Inn’s delicious menu. We hope you had a fun downtown adventure with family and friends!


If you’re a small business owner who’d like to organize an activity or event to help raise funds for our PTSA, and directly benefit our school community, please email Christa Kleiner (current Hazel Wolf K-8 PTSA Board President) to discuss your ideas!

Image credit: Christa Kleiner

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